Now everyone can have a cringe-worthy alter ego a la Anthony Weiner's "Carlos Danger" thanks to
Slate's sexting pseudonym name generator.
News broke this week that Weiner, the former congressman turned New York City mayoral candidate, had once again sent explicit sexual messages and photos to a 22-year-old woman and reportedly "lured" her into an online relationship. A similar scandal led to his resignation from Congress in 2011.
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But perhaps the most outrageous detail from Weiner's latest cyber-trysts is the
online persona he used to disguise his identity: Carlos Danger.
And now everyone can have a similarly ridiculous moniker.
"Want a fantastic online sobriquet like Carlos Danger?" Slate wrote. "You're in luck. Type your first and last names into the fields below and click 'Get My Name' to find your personal pseudonym."
President Barack Obama would be known as "Omar Scourge."
George Bush? "Diego Covert."
Twitter users got a kick out of the Slate name generator and Weiner's ridiculous "Carlos Danger" alter ego.
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