"The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" trailer debuted Sunday night during Game 4 of the World Series, and fans of the sci-fi adventure trilogy took to Twitter to share their excitement about the upcoming premiere.
"Catching Fire" is the second installment of the series and the follow-up to last year's wildly successful film adaptation of the Suzanne Collins novel. The new trailer illustrates the brewing conflict between heroine Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and Donald Sutherland's evil President Snow, who asks her menacingly, "Would you like to be in a real war?"
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Alan Gould at investment group Evercore predicts that the film will rake in a massive $950 million, significantly more than the
first chapter's $691 million, according to The Atlantic.
After seeing the trailer Sunday night, fans of the series can barely wait for the film's Nov. 22 premiere.
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