Charlie Hebdo, the satirical French magazine whose offices suffered a deadly terrorist attack in January, responded to Friday's Paris attacks with a new, defiant cover on Wednesday.
Agence France-Presse reported via Yahoo that the cover, which features a happy, bullet-riddled reveler, showcases a headline that translates to, "They have weapons. Screw them, we have champagne."
The illustration, created by cartoonist Coco, mixes poignancy with defiance, sending a message that the French are proud of their liberal culture, and will never be cowed by terrorists.
"Blood and tears, prophesied Churchill. That's where we are," wrote the paper's managing editor, Riss, in the issue's editorial.
"Without realizing it, the Parisians of 2015 have sort of become the Londoners of 1940, determined not to yield, neither to fear nor to resignation, whatever catches them off guard," Riss continued, referencing the rise of Nazi fascism during World War II.
Writing about Islam, Riss said that "for the past 20 years [it] has become a battleground where radicals want to exterminate non-believers and subdue moderates by force."
Charlie Hebdo's offices were attacked in January by gunmen upset about the magazine's portrayal and satirizing of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. A total of 12 people were killed during the attack.
Following the attack, Charlie Hebdo released an issue featuring a tearful Mohammed on the cover, holding a sign that said "Je suis Charlie" ("I am Charlie"). The issue was the magazine's highest-selling edition since its founding in 1970.