A Chattanooga shooting hit five people on Thursday — a police officer and
four military Marines, according to WRCB.
The incident reportedly began at the U.S. Naval Recruiting building and ended at the U.S. Naval Reserve Center around 11 a.m. in Tennessee.
The officer has been admitted into the hospital and is in stable condition, WRCB reported.
Multiple law enforcement officials told CBS News that the shooter is dead.
Tennessee House Majority Leader Gerald McCormick told CBS News there is another fatality besides the suspect, but would not give any more information.
Officials told ABC News there is no indication the shooting is related to terrorism.
A second report about a shooting at Bradley Square Mall has been discovered to be false, according to WRCB.
Witness Gina Mule told CNN she saw a man fire bullets at military recruiting offices. Mule said she heard loud noises and peered out a restaurant at which she worked and saw a man with “a high-powered rifle.” Another bystander reported the same.
“I don't know how many shots he fired, but it was a lot,” Mule said.
The FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms are responding to the incident, according to ABC News.
CNN reported the Memorial Hospital is “on precautionary lockdown.”
Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam’s residence is temporarily shut down and additional security has been placed around the Tennessee Capitol. Chattanooga State Community College is on lockdown for precautionary measures. Erlanger Hospital and Lee University are also locked down.
Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke tweeted a message requesting prayers.