Following the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the Clooney and Katzenberg families have each pledged $500,000 to support surviving students in their efforts to protest for meaningful gun control.
A number of students who survived last week's shooting appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” and other media outlets Sunday to talk about the shooting and say that they want more gun control because they think it will keep students safer.
George and Amal Clooney first pledged $500,000 to help the students' March for Our Lives event March 24 in Washington, D.C., and Marilyn and Jeffrey Katzenberg (who formerly helmed Walt Disney Studios and Dreamworks Animation) joined in with their own $500,000 pledge, Deadline reported.
"Amal and I are so inspired by the courage and eloquence of these young men and women from Stoneman Douglas High School," George Clooney said in a statement, Deadline reported. "Our family will be there on March 24 to stand side by side with this incredible generation of young people from all over the country, and in the name of our children Ella and Alexander, we’re donating 500,000 dollars to help pay for this groundbreaking event. Our children’s lives depend on it."
"Marilyn and I are proud to stand with the brave young leaders from Parkland, Florida, who have taken their pain and grief and turned it into action," Jeffrey Katzenberg said, Deadline reported. "We will join Amal and George Clooney on March 24 to stand alongside these remarkable young people."
Lady Gaga and other celebrities also have pledged their support. Rallies are being planned in Washington and in other cities around the U.S. by five survivors of Wednesday’s mass shooting in Parkland.