Mike Myers opened "Saturday Night Live" with his Dr. Evil character taking on both North Korea and Sony Pictures after the rogue nation's hack attack caused the movie studio to pull its film "The Interview."
Dr. Evil, made popular in "Austin Powers: Goldmember," charged in the skit that North Korea and Sony were giving evil a bad name.
Dr. Evil suggested that North Korea took the easy route against "The Interview," which stars Seth Rogen and James Franco as talk show hosts recruited to kill Kim Jung-Un.
"Let's start with you, North Korea," Myers said in character. "You're one of the most evil countries in the world and your act of war is to kill a movie? It's easy to kill a movie. Just move it to January."
Myers took a shot at the Republican Party while addressing the Sony hackers, which have dubbed themselves as the "Guardians of Peace."
"There's already a GOP," Myers said, referring to the party's nickname Grand Old Party. "And it's already an evil organization."
Then, Dr. Evil turned his attention to Sony, saying: "Why pick on Sony? They haven't had a hit since the Walkman. Come on Sony, you thought it was a joke to have James Franco go assassinate Kim Jung-Un? The man single-handedly almost killed the Oscars."