"The Ellen DeGeneres Show" has returned, and the daytime talk show host used her first monologue to address multiple reports of a hostile working environment. After cracking a joke about her "super terrific" summer, DeGeneres launched into an apology for what had occurred under her watch on the show.
"I learned that things happened here that never should have happened," DeGeneres said, according to The Hollywood Reporter. "I take that very seriously and I want to say I'm so sorry to the people that were affected. I know that I'm in a position of privilege and power, and I realize that with that comes responsibility. I take responsibility for what happens at my show."
DeGeneres also defended herself from accusations that she was not the "kind lady" portrayed on her show.
"I am that person that you see on TV," she said. "I am also a lot of other things," DeGeneres added, explaining that it was a "tricky position" she found herself in.
"Sometimes I get sad, I get mad, I get anxious, I get frustrated, I get impatient, and I am working on all of that. I am a work in progress," she said.
DeGeneres admitted she was good at portraying different roles, however, she would not be able to keep up the pretense of being someone she was not.
"I've played a straight woman in movies, so I am a pretty good actress, but I don't think that I'm that good that I could come out here every day for 17 years and fool you," she said.
"This is me and my intention is to always be the best person I can be, and if I've ever let someone down, if I've ever hurt their feelings, I am so sorry for that. If that's ever the case, I've let myself down and I've hurt myself as well because I always try to grow as a person," she continued.
"All I want is for every single one of [my 270 employees] to be happy and to be proud to work here."
DeGeneres added that she hoped that, despite everything, the show could still offer happiness and joy to viewers.
"I want to continue to help all of the people that we help every day, and I am committed to making this the best season that we have ever had."