Inventor Elon Musk unveiled his super-fast travel idea Monday called the "Hyperloop," which he says could take people from Los Angeles to San Francisco in half an hour and is completely safe, fast, and self-powered.
While the claims may seem a bit tough to believe, Musk has put his visionary abilities behind other future-thinking projects like the Tesla and a private space travel company.
“You could have about 70 pods between Los Angeles and San Francisco that leave every 30 seconds.
It’s like getting a ride on Space Mountain at Disneyland,” Musk told Bloomberg Businessweek.
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Businessweek reported that the Hyperloop will be solar-powered and travel uo to 800 mph, and it would have to if it wanted to get you from LA to San Francisco in 35 minutes.
“[It’s] a cross between a Concorde and a railgun and an air hockey table,” Fox News quoted Musk as saying.
The Associated Press said Musk has made it clear he doesn’t plan to build the Hyperloop, and that the plans made public today will be open source.
“I think I kind of shot myself by ever mentioning the Hyperloop,” Musk said, according to the AP. “I don’t have any plans to execute because I must remain focused on SpaceX and Tesla.”
Still, he plans to publish the design and expects to get feedback from people who see ways to improve it.
“It sounds fanciful, and maybe it is,” said. “Don’t be surprised if the biggest obstacles to the Hyperloop turn out to be bureaucratic rather than technological. After all, we’ve known how to build bullet trains for half a century, and look how far that has gotten us.”
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