Feminist porn is being eyed as an antidote to the damaging stereotypes promoted by mainstream porn in Germany and could be given government funding, spots on public websites and even a place in schools.
The country's Social Democratic Party voted to promote alternative porn as a way to counteract the sexist and racist images portrayed in mainstream porn and is considering providing state funding to ensure that it becomes readily available on websites of public broadcasters and be included in sex education at schools, RT.com reported.
In a proposal compiled by the SPD, which is part of the coalition with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian-Democratic Union, the party noted that "mainstream porn generally shows sexist and racial stereotypes in which consent is not a theme and certain 'optimal' body types are made as standard."
The SDP said mainstream porn portrayed sex as an unrealistic competitive sport in which there was little communication between partners.
A 2010 analysis of pornography found that verbal and physical aggression towards women featured in most scenes, with 88 per cent of porn showing slapping, spanking and gagging, HuffPost reported.
The analysis further found that only 10 per cent of 304 scenes showed positive sexual behavior.
Feminist porn seeks to dispel these false messages and stereotypes by depicting sex in a more positive and inclusive way that caters to people of all genders and sexualities, according to the Feminist Porn Guide.
At the heart of Germany's campaign is the SPD's youth wing, which is hoping to use feminist porn to educate youth and provide them with a realistic view of sex.
In Sweden a similar concept was successfully introduced several years ago, when a series of free feminist porn films were made available to watch free online, RT noted.
In its proposal, the SPD noted that "even young people start too often with completely unrealistic ideas in their sexual life and do not have the opportunity to develop a self-confident relationship with their body, their sexuality and health. It's about supplementing extracurricular education."
In the U.S., there have been some efforts to protect youth from the effects of porn. President Donald Trump signed a pledge to make enforcement of anti-pornography laws a top priority in his administration and tapped a special commission to look at ways to protect children from porn.