Florida lawmakers easily passed three measures Thursday loosening gun restrictions in the Sunshine State, a move backed by the National Rifle Association and Gov.
Rick Scott, an NRA member and gun owner.
One bill prohibits doctors from asking a patient whether they own a gun. Another decriminalizes the accidental or inadvertent displaying of a firearm. And the third bill establishes fines for city and county officials who adopt stricter gun or ammunition laws than the state already has in place, WPTV-TV Channel 5 in West Palm Beach reported.
Under the new laws, doctors could face the loss of their medical license if they ask a patient about gun ownership and then enter the information into a medical record.
Governor Rick Scott says he will sign all three bills. The NRA’s Unified Sportsmen of Florida praised the passage of the bills that re-establishes rights to gun owners.
“They restore rights that have been whittled away by people in the government sector,” said Marion Hammer, a spokeswoman for Unified Sportsmen of Florida.