Geraldo Rivera's tweet saying the Boston Marathon bombs were "relatively modest in killing power" compared to Al Qaeda's enraged Twitter users, who instantly launched an attack on the Fox News commentator.
It appears that Rivera was simply trying to make the statement that the
explosions that killed three and left countless others injured during Monday's Boston Marathon was the work of "homegrown anarchists," not Al Qaeda.
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But those on social media understood his message differently.
Bloggers also attacked Rivera's assertion that the Boston bombs must not have been the work of Al Qaeda because they weren't as powerful.
"What evidence supports that? True, the number of fatalities in Boston was lower than in, say, the 2004 Madrid train bombings or the 2005 London bombings," Twitter aggregation site Twitchy posted. "Then again, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing killed 'only' six people (plus one unborn baby). Unfortunately, the fatality count in Boston may eventually top that, as a number of people injured in the blast are in critical condition. The number of fatalities is a faulty metric for judging who committed this heinous attack."
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