IPhone 7 rumors are already swirling just a few months after Apple released the sixth iteration of the popular smartphone.
The rumors of a Sept. 8 release date would follow the company’s history of launching new products on the second
Tuesday in September, The Christian Post reported.
Some expect the next device to be the iPhone 7 as Apple focuses on top-rate devices while offering an “S” series as a low-cost option.
The next round of upgrades could see the iPhone 6s and possibly the iPhone 6s Plus kicked up to
2 gigabytes of RAM, Apple Insider reported, citing an unnamed person familiar with the company’s plans. The company also may ship its next phone with Apple SIM, allowing customers to sign up for data plans from participating carriers without long-term contracts. These upgrades were first introduced with the iPad Air 2, Apple Insider said.
Wireless carriers have resisted the Apple SIM feature. And while that position likely hasn’t changed, the iPhone has become “the most popular consumer product since the microwave, making it impossible for carriers to ignore,” Apple Insider said.
The iPhone 7 is expected to include sapphire crystal glass and a
14-megapixel camera, International Business Times reported.
Apple also has filed a patent application suggesting the company is
working on a waterproof phone, Mac Rumors reported. It is still unknown what future device might include the feature.
Twitter users had a lot to say about the iPhone 7 rumors.