Newsmax readers have been weighing in this weekend with their thoughts on the Newtown, Conn. school shootings and the role the massacre has on the nation's gun control debate.
An exclusive interview with one of the leading gun experts sparked quite a bit of reader interest. In the interview,
John R. Lott said that limiting access to guns puts the public at risk.
"When you ban guns, rather than making it safer for the victims, you unintentionally make it safer for the criminals, because they have less to worry about. If you had a violent criminal stalking you or your family, and was really seriously threatening you, would you feel safer putting a sign up in front of your home stating, “This home is a gun-free zone.”
One especially interesting note from a reader pointed to Israel's success in defending against
mass shootings, such as those in Aurora and Newtown.
"In the John Lott article Israel is not mentioned," the reader from Israel wrote. "A principal of an elementary school I know carries a gun in his holster that everyone can see. Even some women teachers carry guns. In my synagogue there are always guns. Guns here save lives."
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