Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt shared a sexy moment on Thursday, during a virtual live table read of the 1982 film "Fast Times at Ridgemont." At one point during the star-studded charity event, Aniston got downright flirty with her ex, telling him that she thought he was "so sexy,” the New York Post reported.
The former married couple, who split in 2005, may have been in character when the exchange took place, but the intimate moment still had viewers of the broadcast intrigued.
During the read, Pitt plays the role of Brad Hamilton and Aniston plays Linda, who Pitt's character is lusting over. In one scene, he is in the bathroom taking a private moment, when, as narrator Morgan Freeman explained, she appears in his fantasy.
"Hi Brad, you know how cute I always thought you were," Aniston said. "You’re so sexy."
After their divorce, Pitt and Aniston were at odds, particularly when he was with Angelina Jolie, but they were able to work through their differences. Things have since warmed between the former couple since Pitt and Jolie divorced, leading to a tabloid frenzy that they will get back together. Although there’s been no outward sign of a romantic relationship, clearly they are over any animosity that once existed.
Joining Pitt and Aniston for the "unrehearsed, anything-goes table read" were several other A-listers including Matthew McConaughey, Sean Penn, Julia Roberts, and Shia LaBeouf. The hour-long event, which was held as a fundraiser for Penn's nonprofit, CORE and Reform Alliance, attracted roughly 40,000 viewers on Facebook.