"The Talk" co-host Sharon Osbourne’s view of her competition on “The View” was sharp and possibly slightly drunken, but
Jenny McCarthy is letting the harsh opinion slide, she told Entertainment Tonight.
To make the forgiving a little easier,
Rumor Fix said all the online buzz created after Osbourne dissed “The View” hosts forced Osbourne to apologize on her talk show today.
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Osbourne made news when she told Arsenio Hall on Wednesday, frankly, that "The View" co-hosts, except for Barbara Walters, could "go f— themselves."
“Sharon and I've been friends a very long time. She sent me roses two weeks ago, so who knows what her intentions were, but I love [Sharon] and I love 'The Talk,’” McCarthy told ET.
That seems a pretty generous response given that Osbourne was pretty specific in identifying everyone except Walters. The
New York Daily News pointed out that it seemed Hall had given his interviewees alcohol in their red cups, and it sure seemed that way in the clip.
In fact, Osbourne’s co-host Julie Chen was answering a question from Hall about how “The View” and “The Talk” differed when Osbourne threw her red cup in the air and uttered her much-repeated quote. Chen, along with others at the table, looked properly horrified.
When Osbourne apologized Thursday, Rumor Fix reported she said she was just joking and, “I was inappropriate and tried to be funny at someone else’s expense.”
She said she didn’t mean to be disrespectful and made reference to her “irreverent behavior.”
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