Jessica Alba celebrated the $1 billion valuation of her Honest Company with a night out with her husband Friday in Beverly Hills.
Gracing the cover of Forbes' latest issue, the 34-year-old "Barely Legal" star was declared “America’s Richest Self-Made Women.” The owner of 15 to 20 percent of her lifestyle company, Alba is worth an
estimated $200 million, according to the Daily Mail.
Alba and her husband Cash Warren enjoyed a night at Wolfgang’s Steakhouse following the announcement of her business’ achievements.
While the $1 billion mark is something to celebrate,
Alba told Forbes that, to make a difference, more has to be done.
“If we really want to make a difference in the world and people’s health, it’s billions and billions of dollars, not just one,” she told the magazine.
Her eco-friendly company was inspired by Alba’s experience while pregnant with her first of two children in 2008, the Daily Mail reported.
While at a baby shower, her mother Cathy suggested to Alba she use baby detergent to wash the gifted onesies.
Although using the mainstream brand, Alba broke out in red welts, returning her to the childhood days of allergies, chronic asthma, and several instances of pneumonia.
“I felt like my needs weren’t being met as a modern person,” Alba told Forbes. “I want beautiful design like everybody else. But it shouldn’t be premium-priced, and it should, of course, be safe . . . I kind of want them to be cute, and the natural diapers: Why do they have to look like your baby’s wearing a brown bag?”
Partnering with Christopher Gavigan, the owner of the nonprofit Healthy Child Healthy World, web entrepreneur Brian Lee, and co-founder Sean Kane, The Honest Company started with $6 million in 2012.
Within its first year of selling non-toxic diapers, the business reached $10 million in revenue. By 2014, revenue was at $150 million.
Most of its proceeds come from online shopping, most popularly through the $79.95 monthly bundle of diapers and wipes.
Since its start, The Honest Company's product line has expanded. It now also sells internationally, all the way to South Korea.