Jim Gaffigan portrayed Colonel Sanders in KFC's Super Bowl ad, taking over for fellow comedian Norm MacDonald.
"The new 30-second ad features 'the real' Colonel Sanders, played by Gaffigan, waking from a nightmare in which MacDonald had stolen his identity,"
CNN reported.
MacDonald, an actor and "Saturday Night Live" alum, played Sanders from August 2015 until Sunday.
Before MacDonald, Sanders was portrayed by another "SNL" alum, Darrell Hammond, who began playing him in May 2015.
According to Business Insider, KFC had not used Colonel Sanders in its advertising for 21 years before hiring Hammond.
"The brand's reinvigoration with 'Saturday Night Live' alums playing the role of founder Colonel Sanders has brought some buzz back to the concept," Nomura analyst Mark Kalinowski wrote recently, noting that KFC's sales grew 3 percent in 2015.
Even better news for KFC, sales were up 7 percent last quarter.
The company itself has acknowledged that the ad campaign "won over previously skeptical consumers."
Sanders, the man who founded the chicken restaurant chain and acted as its spokesman for decades, died in 1980.