Jimmy Vee has been cast as the new actor for R2-D2 after originating actor Kenny Baker died last year at age 81.
Like Baker, Vee is just 3 feet, 6 inches tall and plays the part of the droid when he walks around. Shots when R2-D2 is stationary are done with a radio-controlled unit.
Vee learned about playing R2-D2 from Baker himself before he died, and worked on 2015’s “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” without receiving credit, according to The Guardian.
“It’s been an absolute pleasure to have worked alongside the legendary Kenny Baker,” Vee said, The Guardian reported. “Kenny was a fantastic actor and taught me all the tricks on how he brought R2-D2 to life, which I will continue to portray in his honor.”
“I’m so excited to be a part of the Star Wars universe and can’t wait for everyone to see what we’ve been working so hard on for the last year,” Vee continued.
Vee was seen previously in one of the "Harry Potter" movies and in "Doctor Who." He is 57.
No trailer has yet been released for the eighth installment in the "Star Wars" saga, recently titled "Star Wars: The Last Jedi." The movie will hit theaters Dec. 15.
Disney is reported to be in negotiations with the estate of Carrie Fisher, who also passed away recently, over her digital image for use in future movies, although it has denied negotiating, according to The Guardian. Fisher’s Princess Leia was supposed to have a significant role in Episode 9 of the saga — she filmed her role in "The Last Jedi" before she passed away — and it is not yet known how Disney plans to deal with her death.