On the Grammys red carpet Sunday, Latin singer-songwriter Princess Joy Villa stunned the world by wearing a red, white, and blue dress emblazoned with "Make America Great Again" along with "TRUMP" printed on its train.
“I am 100 percent a Trump supporter. I believe in his message, I believe he will run this country like he runs his life, successfully,” Villa told Fox News. “I stand as a proud American and I stand for a unified America that is tolerant of each other no matter who we voted for. I stand behind our President because that’s the American thing to do. I believe in love, above all.”
The dress was designed by Andre Soriano, who said on Instagram the gown was a “tribute to OUR President Of The United States Of America,” and added the hashtag #MAGA. Both Villa and Soriano are immigrants who support the president in spite of his actions to limit immigration.
Villa’s EP “I Make the Static” was at the top of Amazon’s digital paid albums list and was No. 7 on iTunes’ top album chart after she unveiled her dress on the red carpet Sunday night, Fox reported.
Villa did get many disparaging comments on social media, including death threats and accusations that she was just trying to get attention, along with some support.