Juliette Grimes, a 6-year-old from Frisco, Texas, got stuck inside an arcade game at a CiCi's pizza restaurant Monday after a "double dog dare" from her older sister in an incident that required help from the city's fire department to get her out.
Grimes innocently told CBS Dallas-Fort Worth that all she wanted to do was get her sister a ball from inside the claw arcade game, which she managed to shimmy her little body into.
"I opened the door, and I had my legs out," Grimes said. "So I opened the door, then put my whole body in there . . . and I got balls, but I couldn't get out."
Her mother, Cecilia Green, told CBS DFW said that her daughter is not one to let a dare go by, even at age 6.
"In her world, there are no challenges," Green said. "If there's a boundary, they're meant for other kids. Not for her . . . Anything and everything is a challenge."
Grimes' big sister Katy, 8, admitted to the television station that her sister slithered up the game's chute at her urging.
"I haven't told my Mom this yet, but, maybe it was a double dog dare," the girl admitted.
Green said she hopes the trauma of getting stuck in the arcade game has taught her younger daughter a lesson.
A child being attracted to an arcade game where a claw grabs prizes is nothing new. Last year, 18-month-old Colin Lambert climbed into an arcade game in Maryville, Tennessee, after
getting away from his grandmother, according to ABC News.
"I took a bunch of photos," 62-year-old Diane O'Neill said last October. "As long as he was okay, it was funny. He thought it was fun, like, 'Look what I can do. I'm clever.' He was smiling until he wanted to get out, and then he became unhappy."
For its part, Wisconsin has regulated its claw machine games for the value of prizes but not for safety hazards.
"The prizes are so close but they are also just out of reach," Barbara Eldredge, a design researcher and writer for creative agency Real Art, told ABC News, adding that the games were created to tantalize children. "The appeal of going inside is like entering a magic land. It's kid-sized and if the kid can fit, why not?"