"The Big Bang Theory" actress Kaley Cuoco snapped back at online “haters” who accused her of having a nose job as the actress is recovering from sinus surgery.
Posting a picture of herself on Instagram, along with others with a bandage under her nose, Cuoco wrote, “For those haters out there who are gonna hate hate hate no matter what, let me inform you that I have not been able to breath through my nose like a normal human being in years. This surgery is changing my life. With that being said , if I DID get a nose job , (which I didn't) I would be shouting that from the rooftops as well 😎”
The Internet storm came after Cuoco posted photos of herself, along with her husband, tennis pro Ryan Sweeting, right after surgery, giving a shout-out to Sweeting for his support: “Coming out of sinus surgery and the first thing I see is my beautiful angel of a man, hes right there . Always . He's taking amazing care of me ☺️i love my noodle . Hes perfection.”
In another post, which had three pictures attached, Cuoco again took a shot at those who were insisting she had a nose job, “I have been putting sinus surgery off for year, and I finally did- and for this who think I got a nose nob thinks again ! (Wish) thAnk you to my amazing husband and sweet dogs for watching over me 🐶💑💋”
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