Leonard Nimoy, who originated the role of Spock in the original "Star Trek" series in 1966, faces off against current Spock actor Zachary Quinto in a new commercial for Audi to promote the upcoming "Star Trek Into Darkness" film that comes out May 16.
In the two and a half minute ad, Nimoy beats the younger Spock in a game of virtual chess. Quinto responds by challenging Nimoy to a round of golf and a race to the country club.
"Whoever gets to the club last buys lunch," Quinto says.
"Stand by to have your wallet emptied by a tractor beam," Nimoy replies.
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Quinto races to the club in a new Audi S7 while Nimoy opts for a Mercedes CLS 550. During the car ride, Nimoy treats viewers to a reprise of a song off his second album, "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins."
With Quinto the victor, Nimoy drops a line from the oft-quoted final scene of "Star Trek II: The wrath of Khan."
"I have been and always shall be your friend," Nimoy coughs, pressing a Vulcan salute against the car window glass.
As the two turn to walk into the country club, Nimoy downs Quinto with a Vulcan nerve pinch before he can cross the finish line, winning the bet.
Nimoy teased Quinto about the ad in a tweet Tuesday, adding in the Vulcan blessing, "LLAP" or "Live Long and Prosper."
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Nimoy played science officer Spock aboard the starship Enterprise in the "Star Trek" TV series, movies, books, and video games, before handing the reins over to Quinto for the 2009 reboot.
Both men reprise their roles in the new "Star Trek Into Darkness" film out next week, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Also returning to star in the movie is Chris Pine, who plays Capt. James T. Kirk.
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