Little Debbie started a fierce debate on Twitter Friday when it tweeted images of four of its products with a heading on top saying, “One Gotta Go Forever.”
“Which one?” the image was captioned, seeming to indicate one of the four Little Debbie snacks — Nutty Buddy, Oatmeal Creme Pies, Honey Buns, and Christmas Tree Cakes — would soon be discontinued.
The snack company has been making treats for more than 50 years, and more than 4,000 of its customer base weighed in with opinions about which one they could or couldn’t live without.
Little Debbie is undoubtedly enjoying the free publicity, but the snack maker says it never meant to insinuate that one of the four would be going away.
"None of the products we listed on the Twitter post are in danger of going away," McKee Food spokesperson Micke Gloekler told Today Food. "Our Little Debbie social media team thought it would be fun to get in on the #OneGottaGo Twitter meme, which asks a fairly tough question — if you had to live without one of four things you really love, which would it be?"
Clearly, there is a reason why all of the four snacks have stayed around for as long as they have, since each one had its share of strong support in the responses.