Loredana Nesci, the nicknamed “Legal Diva” reality TV star, was found dead in her Los Angeles apartment early Wednesday morning, and now her boyfriend has been arrested and charged with her murder.
Reports concerning Nesci’s death have been inconclusive in terms of the fatal injury; some news outlets reported it to be a gunshot wound, while others reported it to be a stabbing. No official statement has been issued confirming either account.
Robert Reagan, 51, her boyfriend and the father of her son, has been
arrested and charged with her murder, according to the Daily Mail. Reagan is currently being held on a $1 million bond.
Nesci, 47, was found dead in her apartment after Reagan, who was reportedly “distraught,” called 911 to report an emergency around 7:20 a.m. on Wednesday, according to the Daily Mail. The couple’s son, 5-year-old Rocco Nesci-Reagan, was not in her apartment at the time of Nesci's death.
Some police reports indicated that Nesci and Reagan had been arguing around the time of her death, although neighbors did not
recall hearing any scuffle, the Inquisitr noted. Details concerning the incident are currently being further investigated.
A former Los Angeles Police Department officer and the star of the Sundance Channel’s “Loredana, Esq.” show, Nesci began her legal career after attending law school at Quinnipiac University and working with two Connecticut practices before being dubbed the
“Legal Diva” by the Connecticut Law Tribune, according to "Entertainment Tonight." The name stuck with her after that. She moved to California in 2004 before hosting her own radio show on KCAA 1050 AM in 2008.
Nesci’s brother, Meriden Detective Sergeant Rob Nesci, was shocked at his sister’s sudden death.
“I’ve dedicated my life to prevent this sort of tragedy, never imagined this would happen to my sister,”
Rob Nesci said, according to My Record Journal. “She was my best friend, great family member, and superb mom.”
“We lost our sister, who is a great person,” said another brother, Meriden Police Lieutenant Sal Nesci, according to My Record Journal. “She is definitely larger than life and she will be sadly missed.”