A sinister Angelina Jolie glares from the new "Maleficent" movie poster, and the image only supports what
Entertainment Weekly calls "Disney’s best pairing of actor and role since Johnny Depp played a certain pirate."
The rather fierce, just-released movie poster, featuring Jolie in black horns and glaring with glimmering blue-green eyes, is inciting anticipation online for the film’s 2014 release.
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"Maleficent" is the story of Sleeping Beauty told from the point of view of the story’s villainess, played by Jolie.
She told EW that she scared children who visited the set.
“The strange thing was people with little kids would visit the set and I would think, ‘I’m a Disney character!’” EW reported Jolie told the crowd at a fan convention. “I’d go over to the children and say hi, and they would scream and run off. One little boy actually said ‘Mommy, please, tell the mean witch to please stop talking to me.’”
Jolie told EW that Maleficent always fascinated her, even as a child.
“I was terrified of her, but I was so drawn to her. I wanted to know more about her, know what she was like and who she was. She had this elegance and grace, and yet she was so cruel, just wonderfully and deliciously cruel.”
In a 2012 article,
Jolie told EW her children were happy she took the role. They were probably even happier when three of the six landed parts in the film.
Us Weekly reported that Vivienne will play the part of a young Princess Aurora in the movie, while Pax and Zahara will have smaller roles.
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