A Twitter poll posted Tuesday by Republican Obamacare opponent Rep. Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee backfired when a lot more people responded they didn’t want the healthcare law repealed than those who did.
The poll asked whether followers supported the repeal of Obamacare. Surprisingly, although her constituency is overwhelmingly Republican — she defeated her latest opponent by 50 points — 84 percent of the 7,968 voters in the poll said they didn’t support repealing the health care law.
According to The Hill.com, Blackburn’s poll was retweeted by White House spokesman Eric Schultz, which opened it up to a much more Democratic audience than Blackburn might have expected.
President-elect Donald Trump announced through his team on Wednesday that he will start repealing Obamacare through executive orders after taking office Jan. 20, The Hill reported.
Congressional Republicans also are making plans to repeal the healthcare law, which has seen drastic premium increases for 2017 that have made it unaffordable for many Americans.
Republicans have long been at odds with Obama and congressional Democrats over the bill, which passed without a single Republican vote in 2009. The election of Trump as president seems to have galvanized them to take action, and congressional Republicans in the Senate have begun to take steps to ensure passage of bills with a simple majority rather than the 60 votes currently required to get bills out of committee without the threat of filibuster, USA Today reported.