A storm chaser snapped a photo of what fans are claiming is Michael Jackson moonwalking in the clouds just two days before the sixth anniversary of the star’s death.
The photo was submitted to WTVR after photographer John Plashal took it during a Tuesday lightning storm in Goochland County,
Virginia, WTVR reported. He didn’t recognize the Jackson imagery in the shot, but fans quickly picked up on it.
"I didn’t know what I had until this morning, to be honest with you, when my phone started blowing up," Plashal told WTVR on Thursday.
Although fans may choose to believe Jackson is continuing his moonwalk in the sky, many were disgusted with the fact that some were making more of Plashal’s photo than they thought necessary.
"Lol what is the media really trying to cover by posting such a ridiculous story. Is this really our news, our 'entertainment' . . . have we become this dim witted," one person wrote.
Some went off the rails and likened the image more to John Travolta in "Saturday Night Fever":
As one person said on WTVR’s FB page: “You people are cranky today lol! Lighten up a bit!!!”