Mike Rowe, host of the TV show "Somebody's Gotta Do It," blasted socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders as a "knucklehead" for suggesting that those who don't go to college end up in jail.
"At the end of the day, providing a path to go to college is a helluva lot cheaper than putting people on a path to jail,"
Sanders tweeted on Sunday.
In a spirited rebuttal to Sander's condescending tweet, Rowe, 53, not only defended working class people, but celebrated the work they do.
"I wonder sometimes, if the best way to question the increasingly dangerous idea that a college education is the best path for the most people, is to stop fighting the sentiment directly, and simply shine a light on the knuckleheads who continue to perpetuate this nonsense,"
he began in a Facebook post on Monday.
"This latest tweet from Bernie Sanders is a prime example. In less than 140 characters, he’s managed to imply that a path to prison is the most likely alternative to a path to college. Pardon my acronym, but . . . WTF!?"
Rowe, the former host of Discovery Channel series "Dirty Jobs," wondered aloud where Sanders' "arrogance and elitism" came from.
"Is it possible that Senator Sanders doesn’t realize the number of college graduates with criminal records?" he asked.
"Is he unaware of the millions of successful tradespeople and entrepreneurs who didn’t pay for a sheepskin, but somehow managed to stay of the clink? Does he not recognize that comments like his will encourage more kids who are better suited for an alternative path to borrow vast sums of money they’ll never be able to pay back in order to pay for a degree that won’t get them a job?"
The answer: "Maybe not."
Rowe concluded by promoting trade and vocational schools, saying "there are many, many alternatives to college."
Alongside Rowe's inspiring letter was a funny picture of a man in grease-stained coveralls giving him a ride in a wheelbarrow.