The fundraising team behind Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign raised more money than any other team for a Republican candidate, a staggering $446 million, and a few potential 2016 Republican contenders want a piece of his money making machine
Potential candidates like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are quietly contacting senior members of that Romney's team, the
Associated Press reported. Christie recently met privately with Spencer Zwick, Romney's finance chairman.
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“We built an interesting network of people. A lot of them would be inclined to get involved again,” Zwick said. “I would love to be heavily involved.”
Others GOP hopefuls have courted Charlie Spies, who developed the super PAC that raised $150 million for Romney.
“I've had multiple conversations with people who may consider running,” Spies told the AP, adding that many of the senior Romney donors who pulled in millions of dollars for his 2012 campaign embody the more “pragmatic wing of the Republican party, a group likely to shy away from candidates driven by rigid conservative ideology.”
Few donors would be willing to commit to a candidate this early on, but that hasn't stopped some politicans from networking with members of Romney's team.
“My guess is that every one of the contenders would be better than whoever the Democrats put up,” Romney told attendees at a New Hampshire Republican Party fundraiser in August. “But there will only be one or perhaps two who actually could win the election in November.”
Public Policy Polling found that the two leading Republican candidates right now are Christie and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, both however were beaten in the political poll by Hillary Clinton as Democratic candidate.
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