Neil Patrick Harris has taken issue with James Woods’ tweet about a “gender creative” boy pictured on social media with makeup and long hair taking part in a gay pride event.
“This is sweet,” Woods tweeted. “Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you’ve done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage.”
Openly gay Harris responded by saying that the tweet was “utterly ignorant and classless,” adding, “I’m friends with this family. You know not what you speak, and should be ashamed of yourself.”
The boy pictured, C.J. Duron, is featured in a blog written by his mother Lori Duron on raising a gender creative son. In a tweet, she called Harris “a class act” for standing up for her son.
Woods has faced criticism for supporting President Donald Trump and posting other tweets about CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Planned Parenthood.
Woods responded to Harris’ comment with several more tweets.