Twitter and prominent bloggers are going nuts over a GIF of Newsmax White House correspondent John Gizzi wiggling his eyebrows to make his glasses come down from his forehead to his nose.
It’s a cool move, one that at least one intern says he has been doing for the past 17 years, if not longer.
Gizzi made the move that made him this week’s internet sensation — Mashable, Mediaite, and Rare all wrote posts about it, and Jimmy Fallon included him in his "Tonight Show" monologue — during a March 13 presidential press briefing with Sean Spicer.
Gizzi is a longtime Newsmax columnist and reporter and is said to “know everyone in Washington,” according to Rare.
Now everyone may know him, inside and outside the Beltway, for this move.
Some even liked how pleased with himself he looked.
Gizzi says he was simply looking down at his notes in preparation for asking a question.
Gizzi definitely has his fans, one of whom is glad the rest of the world is catching on.
Mashable called the GIF a “magical moment” and applauded Gizzi’s “smooth moves.”
Popsugar just said, “It was awesome.”