Nicole Kurowski, a 27-year-old gym teacher and cheerleading coach at a Pennsylvania-area high school, was arrested Wednesday and charged with having sex with a 17-year-old male student.
According to the Daily Mail, Kurowski allegedly carried on a sexual relationship with the victim for a 10-month period from Oct. 2012 to Aug. 2013. Authorities then received a tip in September and began investigating, ultimately uncovering thousands of text messages (some in which the couple exchanged "I love you's") and explicit photos.
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Police also said that Kurowski, of Reading, Pa., and the underage student had a handful of indecent interactions during school hours.
"I got the tip and I immediately got on the phone with the school board president and our solicitor,"
Dr. Edward J. Albert, Tulpehocken School District superintendent, told the Reading Eagle. "I take this matter very seriously."
Parents in the school district were uneasy after hearing about the arrest.
"I was so shocked. I cannot believe that something like this would be so close in my backyard,"
Bern Township parent Isabel Kampe told "I have kids that go to the Tulpehocken School District and I never thought it would happen here."
Kurowski, who was initially suspended with pay, has been placed on suspension without pay until the case is resolved in court, Albert said. She was arraigned Wednesday on an institutional sexual assault charge and released on $25,000 bail.
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