President Barack Obama’s approval rating has hit a record low, with only 42 percent of those questioned saying they approve of the job he’s doing in office,
according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll.
While 51 percent disapprove of Obama, in general, most people polled were pretty
unhappy with how a lot of politicians are doing their jobs, NBC reported. The Republican party caught a lot of flack, with 22 percent of people feeling positive about the party and 53 percent going the other direction.
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A whopping 63 percent of the people polled want to get rid of their Congressional member, which the NBC said is the highest number since the poll began over 20 years ago.
And in a distinct lack of faith, 74 percent said they believe Congress is hurting things in Washington rather than helping.
The poll looks at Obama both politically and personally and for the first time, his personal ratings were “upside down,” NBC said, with 41 percent viewing him favorably and 45 percent giving him a thumbs down.
The poll takes a look at how people feel about numerous issues, including the new health care act and how opinions changed toward politicians after the federal government shutdown.
The poll brought out sharp political assessments on social media.
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