Despite Barack Obama’s emergence as the first African American elected to the U.S. presidency, secrecy still surrounds much of his past and the reasons for certain actions undertaken while he's been in office.
Many news outlets have been silent on Obama’s mysterious background from the time he became a U.S. senator and later a candidate for president. And though he's closing out on his second term in office, questions remain about his ability to lead a nation facing uncertain economic conditions, racial tensions, and domestic and international terrorism.
This leaves many Americans still wondering about Obama’s motives as president. Here are five of Obama’s biggest secrets:
1. Race relations — Obama was elected president in 2008 on the promise of uniting the nation, yet the country has been shattered by violent protests stemming from racial incidents and unprecedented shootings of police officers. This “failure” is evident “on our streets, on our campuses, and among our leaders, left and right,” Gil Troy, a
professor of history at McGill University, told the New York Post.
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2. Academic years — Author Wayne Allyn Root, who graduated in Obama's Columbia University class in 1983, calls the president “the ghost of Columbia University” because no one remembers him. “No one ever met him,”
Root wrote for The Blaze in 2013 after attending the class' 30th reunion. “Even worse, no one even remembers seeing that unique memorable face.”
3. Authorship — Little is known about Obama's time as president of the Harvard Law Review. The writings that have been found are “an uninspired assemblage of words with a nearly random application of commas and tenses,”
writes Jack Cashill in the American Thinker. Amazingly, Obama’s well-written “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance” appeared in 1995 and was reprinted in 2004, with Time magazine calling it “the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician."
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4. Gunrunning — The Obama administration has been stonewalling the “Fast and Furious” investigation for years,
notes Powerline's Paul Mirengoff. Some 2,000 firearms were given illegally to Mexican cartel connections during the operation. Two of the semi-automatic rifles were found at the scene where a U.S. border patrol agent was killed. The administration’s Department of Justice has refused to turn over relevant documents to a House Committee investigating the matter.
5. Lois Lerner and the IRS — The Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative organizations, delaying tax-exempt status, initiating audits for the groups, and possibly affecting the outcome of Obama’s 2012 reelection. Lerner, an IRS executive who led the attack, was among those who violated numerous federal
criminal statutes, the Washington Times reports. She resigned but has not received punishment.
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