Holocaust survivor Susan Pollack confronted Oskar Groening, a former Nazi guard called the “Accountant of Auschwitz,” at his trial in Germany this week for his part in destroying her family.
Pollack, 84, survived the horrors of Auschwitz, but testified that more than 50 members of her
family were murdered, NBC News reported.
NBC’s Bill Neely tweeted about Pollack’s testimony from the German courts where Groening, 93, is charged with being complicit in the deaths of 300,000 Jews:
Another Holocaust survivor, Ivor Perl, 83, also
testified at the trial, The Guardian reported, and he called the experience “emotionally stressful” and a “relief and release.”
“As far as I’m concerned, I think the important thing was the trial and his admission. But when I look at that 90-year-old man I feel disgusted with myself because I feel pity for him,” he told the U.K. newspaper.
Pollack told The Guardian of Groening: “He is a broken man, an elderly man. Forgiveness? Who am I to forgive? I’m lucky I survived. It’s not for me to forgive.”
In testifying, Neely tweeted of Pollack: