Pat Robertson said Monday he wished Facebook had a "vomit" button to click every time he saw a photo a gay couple kissing. Robertson is a well-known televangelist and founder of "The 700 Club."
Robertson, 83, who is no stranger to voicing his opinion on controversial subjects, made the statement while responding to a
question from a viewer on his Christian Broadcasting Network show, according to CNN.
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The question, which appeared in written form on "The 700 Club" Monday, stated: "If we 'Like' things on Facebook, if it's something that goes against what is written in the Bible – such as same-sex couples – is that considered condoning this behavior? How do you explain this to new Christians and youth?"
Robertson told the viewer that he felt a Facebook "Like" would be similar to condoning the action, and used his personal views of same-sex couples kissing as an example.
"You've got a couple of same-sex guys kissing, do you like that? Well that makes me want to throw up," Robertson said in a joking manner on the show. That portion of the question-and-answer session was posted on YouTube Monday by the group "To me I would punch 'Vomit,' not 'Like.' But they don't give you that option on Facebook."
Robertson has spoken out against homosexuality numerous times through his career as a televangelist and minister, sparking varying degrees of controversy.
Robertson created uproar among same-sex supporters in 1998 after Walt Disney World announced it would have special days for
gay and lesbian families in Orlando with rainbow flags, said the CNN Belief Blog.
"You’re right in the way of some serious hurricanes, and I don’t think I’d be waving those flags in God’s face if I were you,” he was reported as saying, according to CNN.
Robertson later told the Orlando Sentinel that he was taken out of context and released a full transcript of what he said on the show, which stated, according to CNN:
"So if the United States wants to embrace ‘degrading passions’ – according to the Bible, something that the Bible says is an abomination against God – we’re not in any way, shape or form hating anybody. This is not a message of hate; this is a message of redemption. But if a condition like this will bring about the destruction of your nation; if it will bring about terrorist bombs; if it’ll bring about earthquakes, tornadoes and possibly a meteor, it isn’t necessarily something we ought to open our arms to. And I would warn Orlando that you’re right in the way of some serious hurricanes and I don’t think I’d be waving those flags in God’s face if I were you."
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