British media suspect that the royal baby's July 13th due date may have been a sham after Pippa Middleton was spotted partying at a wedding in Vienna over the weekend.
Kate Middleton's sister would have never left the country so close to her niece or nephew's arrival, reporters said.
"Something's just off. I don't know what it is but everyone just seems way too cavalier about this royal baby,"
Jeanne Adams at Celebrity Dirty Laundry wrote. "First Prince William spent the weekend playing polo with Prince Harry hours away from his pregnant wife and now we’re hearing that Princess Pippa skipped out all together and attended a wedding in Vienna. Pippa Middleton isn't one to miss out on the action especially when a major royal event is in the mix. So what’s the deal? Was Kate Middleton's due date really this past weekend or were we all given the shaft on the info?"
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The Duchess of Cambridge was forced to reveal her pregnancy back in December after she was admitted to the hospital for severe morning sickness. The official July 13 due date was later announced in May.
After such a whirlwind childhood with Princess Diana for a mother, some speculate that Prince William is adamant that his family retains their privacy. The "due date" could have been part of an effort to throw the press off their trail, according to Joe Little, managing editor of Majesty Magazine.
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"Privacy is key for Prince William as he saw the way his mother, Princess Diana, suffered at the hands of the paparazzi, and he wants to make sure this
does not happen to his wife or his own children," he told Reuters.
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