Sony was under attack again Sunday, and this time hackers hit its PlayStation Network, forcing it offline for about two hours.
The Lizard Square group used its Twitter account to claim responsibility for the attack; the group also hit Microsoft Xbox Live network twice this month.
Sony Pictures suffered a major attack in which sensitive information was posted online, including Social Security numbers, proprietary information, and salaries.
Accusing the Lizard Squad of
attacking Sony when it’s in a weakened state, Forbes wrote, “Sony, on the other hand, must be scrambling like mad to beef up security efforts and recover from the bevy of attacks they’ve suffered. And it’s not just a faceless corporation suffering from the Sony Pictures hack. Countless thousands of employees have had their personal information made public, including contact information and social security numbers.”
Sony Corp. announced that the PlayStation Network and Sony Entertainment Network were subjected to a distributed denial-of-service attack. Such attacks “cripple networks by
overwhelming them with Internet traffic,” Reuters said.
Some visitors to the PlayStation online store were greeted with the message: "Page not found. It's not you. It's the internet's fault."
Although service was disrupted, the company said no reports of sensitive information being stolen had been received, Reuters reported.
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