Polygamists cheered the Supreme Court for their gay marriage rulings Wednesday, which they considered one step forward for the legal and social acceptance of multi-person relationships.
"We polyamorists are grateful to our [LGBT] brothers and sisters for blazing the marriage equality trail,"
Practical Polyamory spokeswoman Anita Wagner Illig told U.S. News & World Report.
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The Supreme Court
struck down a central portion of the Defense of Marriage Act Wednesday, a decision that will allow legally married same-sex couples to claim all the same federal benefits that heterosexual couples enjoy.
The Court also decided on California's Proposition 8 ruling, determining that supporters of the state's gay marriage ban have no legal standing. The high court upheld the lower court's decision to allow it.
Though the Court stopped short of legalizing gay marriage universally — it is still only recognized in 12 states and the District of Columbia — Wednesday's ruling was viewed as a major step forward, especially by those involved in nontraditional relationships.
Polygamists, or people who are married to more than one person, cheered rulings.
"The nuclear family, with a dad and a mom and two or three kids, is not the majority anymore,"
former polygamist Anne Wilde told BuzzFeed."Now it's grandparents taking care of kids, single parents, gay parents. I think people are more and more understanding that as consenting adults, we should be able to raise a family however we choose."
Others polygamists say they don’t want their lifestyle to necessarily be legalized, but just decriminalized.
"If you legalize plural marriage, that means the government is going to control certain aspects of it," Wilde said. "They might say, you have to make so much money, you can't have any more than four like it says in the Koran."
Soon after Wednesday's decisions were announced, people across the globe took to Twitter to speculate whether a court decision on polygamy could be next.
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