The 2014 Budweiser “Puppy Love” Super Bowl ad has racked up more than 24 million views since it premiered Wednesday, pushing it to the top of “must-see” ads for this year’s big game.
The adorable one-minute commercial features a golden retriever puppy adopted by Bud’s Clydesdale horses, continuing in the vein of last year’s “Brotherhood” Budweiser ad that highlighted the connection between a young boy and the Clydesdale he trained. Music from Passenger’s “Let Her Go” provides a strong background to the emotional ad.
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The advertisement is so popular that
Ad Age Media, which tracks and ranks pre-released Super Bowl ads, had to step up and reverse their initial guesstimate on ad popularity. They initially thought Doritos’ “Crash the Super Bowl 2014” ad would dominate. That’s not the way it happened.
“Therefore, upon further review, we're reversing the call: Budweiser's 'Puppy Love' is the pre-Super Bowl champion, really crushing on all fronts: views, shares, tweets, likes, plus-ones and collective aaawwwws,” Ad Age wrote.
The viral ad and numerous online comments about the touching relationship between the Bud horses and the tiny puppy should prove to Budweiser that they spent their ad budget well.
The ad world is handing out kudos to Budweiser and the ad’s production team. “In terms of visuals and pacing, the spot is almost
absurdly well produced and directed by RSA's Jake Scott,” AdWeek said. “The scenes come off as both sweet and iconic, small yet grand — particularly the lovely moment, perhaps the ad's best, where the Clydesdales surround the car of the man who has come to take the puppy away.”
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