A 37-year-old Venezuelan man has altered his body to look like Marvel comic book villain Red Skull, including subdermal implants on his forehead, partial nose removal, and tattoos on his eyeballs and face.
Henry Damon has further procedures planned, including implants on his cheekbones and more facial tattoos.
"Henry aka Red Skull is a physically and intellectually healthy person," Emilio Gonzalez, a medical school dropout who specializes in tattooing and extreme body surgery,
told the Daily Mail. "He's an excellent son, husband and father, who has an extreme taste for body modification."
Before beginning the alteration, Damon underwent several physical and psychological tests, Gonzales said.
“He has loved comic books since he was a kid and always dreamed of being Red Skull, but never got round to doing it,” Damon’s friend Pablo Hernandez told the Daily Mail.
Twitter users were creeped out by the story.
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