Rush Limbaugh returned to the airwaves Monday after a day off and launched an attack on President Barack Obama’s jobs speech, calling it misleading and comparing the president's news conference today touting the American Jobs Act to a high school pep rally.
“You know who the happiest guy in America Thursday night probably was?” Limbaugh asked. “Obama . . . because he knew that I wasn’t going to be here Friday.”
Limbaugh also criticized the Monday-morning news conference at the White House, during which Obama presented the $447 billion American Jobs Act and called on Congress to pass the legislation.
“It was so high school,” he said. “The president [was] holding it up like it was his first term paper.”
He called the press conference a “pep rally” and said the bill is misleading and filled with lies and deceit.
“Did you notice how he wants to reduce payroll taxes?” Limbaugh asked. “Payroll taxes are the only funding source of Social Security — tell me it’s not a Ponzi scheme now.”
Limbaugh was referring to presidential candidate Rick Perry’s description of the benefit program for seniors during last week’s GOP presidential debate.
“This is not an endorsement, but be very careful if you star attacking Rick Perry on Social Security,” he said. “The only funding mechanism cut in half, and yet benefits are still going to flow? I feel sorry for anybody who follows this stuff.”
Limbaugh added the American Jobs Act will not do what it’s advertising.
“These are job-killing bills with names so fraudulent that we ought to be able to bring lawsuits,” he said. “If this went on in the private sector, it would not be permitted.”