Rush Limbaugh was shocked by comments Mitt Romney reportedly made regarding permanent immigration reform. Limbaugh labeled the former Massachusetts Governor’s comments as “Romnesty.”
Criticizing Romney for going “wobbly on amnesty,”
Limbaugh posted his reaction on his website and in a YouTube video.
Limbaugh referred to an article on Breitbart, which said Romney recently told Spanish-language Univision that Obama’s executive action is “giving people false hope. He’s also communicating to people outside this country, ‘Hey, get into the United States illegally and stay, because they’ll always let you stay.'”
Romney called on Congress to pass “permanent clarification of our immigration laws so that people know where they stand,” according to Breitbart.
Obama’s executive action eased the threat of deportation for about 4.7 million undocumented immigrants. Critics have said it amounts to amnesty.
“I’m pretty confident that what the president’s doing will so inflame passions on the part of many in my party … that they will be far less likely to move aggressively on the type of permanent reform that’s so badly needed,”
Romney said, according to Fusion Media.
Romney said he hopes Republicans will still take up bills that boost border security, reform the visa system, and make applying for residency more transparent, according to Fusion.
“Maybe even then, Republicans will swallow hard and say, ‘OK, even despite the fact that we now have a stick in our eye launched by the president, we’re going to go ahead and try and see if we can’t make some improvements to the immigration system.’ I hope we’re able to do that,” Romney was quoted as saying.
Romney has said he won’t make a run for president in 2016, but a
CNN poll found that 20 percent of voters say Romney would be their first choice for the Republican nomination among 16 potential contenders.