"First Man," the Neil Armstrong biopic starring Ryan Gosling and directed by "La La Land"'s Damien Chazelle, has been given an awards season release date of Oct. 12, 2018.
Universal Studios set the date on Tuesday, fueling speculation that Chazelle and Gosling will be vying for one or more 2019 Oscars as a follow-up to "La La Land"'s six Oscars last month.
The musical starring Gosling and Emma Stone earned a best director nod for Chazelle, who at 32 was the youngest director ever to win the award. "La La Land" has earned nearly $400 million globally to date.
"First Man" follows Armstrong from 1961 to 1969 as NASA works to put a man on the moon. The movie's script was based on James R. Hansen's book and written by Josh Singer, who co-wrote 2016 Academy Awards Best Picture winner "Spotlight." The story is reported to be a first-person account of the events, Variety said.
The film will be produced by Wyck Godfrey and Marty Bowen, who also produced "The Twilight Saga" and "The Fault in Our Stars," along with Chazelle and Gosling. The executive producer will be Isaac Klausner, who also executive produced "The Fault in Our Stars." Dreamworks Pictures has been tapped to co-finance the film.
The new Gosling movie is the first film set for release on Oct. 12, 2018, Variety reported.
Most Twitter users were suitably impressed by the news.