Ryen Russillo is set to return to ESPN Radio following his two-week suspension that was sparked by his arrest in Wyoming last week.
Police allegedly found Russillo "highly intoxicated" and naked in a condo last Wednesday in the middle of the night, according to the New York Daily News.
Russillo reportedly entered a condo in Jackson, Wyoming, where two people had been sleeping. When asked to leave, he reportedly refused.
Jackson police later arrived at the condo. Jackson Police Lt. Roger Schultz told Jackson Hole News & Guide that when police arrived to the condo Russillo was in a bedroom and didn't even know where he was.
Schultz said Russillo "couldn't coherently answer any questions" from police.
"Officers found the defendant, later identified as Ryen August Russillo, lying on the bed in the south bedroom naked except for his pants around his ankles," according to an affidavit.
Russillo, host of "The Ryen Russillo Show" on ESPN Radio, was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespassing.
The 42-year-old hasn't been on the air since the arrest, but is set to return to the show on Sept. 5.