"SNL's" Swiftamine sketch parodied pop superstar Taylor Swift over the weekend, and even she's laughing.
The day after the skit aired, Swift tweeted out a link to the video, agreeing whole-heartedly with her own lampooning.
For the most part, Swift's music is avoided by older Americans, who consider her songs the exclusive province of teeny-boppers. With this in mind, the new skit shows full-grown men and women of all races and creeds suffering quick-onset vertigo upon realizing that they not only like Swift's new single, "Shake It Off," but outright love it.
In order to stabilize those taken off-guard by their unexpected epiphany, the comedians at "Saturday Night Live" propose taking a new medicine developed just for them.
Instead of Dramamine — used for motion and sea sickness — Dr. David Docter, played by Beck Bennett, introduces the audience to "Swiftamine."
In a mock pharmaceutical commercial, the afflicted men and women drop the dissolvable "Swiftamine" tablets into a glass of water, guzzle it down, and feel instant relief.