Rep. Steve King has called on President Donald Trump to "purge leftists" from the government's executive branch before they "sink us," following a similar call from the Conservative Review.
King's Twitter post, which has been re-tweeted more than 500 times, linked to a Conservative Review article by Daniel Horowitz in supporting an overhaul of those who work closest to the Trump administration.
Last month, King called for an investigation of the federal government's intelligence community to find out who was leaking negative information about the Trump campaign and alleged links to Russian officials during the 2016 campaigns, noted CNN.
"We have to find the people that are working against this administration and they need to be purged from this community," said King, one of Trump's most vocal supporters.
"We need to find out who the leaking moles are who are violating federal law because we can't function from a national security standpoint if we have that spillage coming out of the community."
In the Conservative Review, Horowitz said voters would expect Trump's "notorious brand of firing ineffective or duplicitous staff" in getting rid of officials who are not supportive of his agenda. He suggested that the president use his chief of staff Reince Priebus as the point person.
"(Priebus) must instruct every department head who should then direct every agency head to call for the resignation of any political appointees and special counsels who do not share the views of the president," said Horowitz.
"Any open borders official within (Department of Justice) and (Department of Homeland Security) should be gone. Any pro-government-run health care supporter within (Health and Human Services) has to go. Any official within Treasury who is not on board with the (Office of Management and Budget) spending cuts and pro-growth tax cuts should go out and campaign for their cause … on the outside."
He also called State Department officials to leave if they are "a shill for refugee resettlement, a Palestinian State, the Muslim Brotherhood, or who opposes the president's immigration moratorium …"
Trump told "Fox & Friends" last month that he believed President Barack Obama and his loyalist still working in the government are behind leaks to the news media that has led to controversy in his administration.
"I think that President Obama's behind it because his people are certainly behind it," Trump told the cable morning show. "And some of the leaks possibly come from that group, you know, some of the leaks – which are very serious leaks, because they're very bad in terms of national security."