Stevie Ryan, who gained popularity making YouTube videos and later appeared in several television series, was found dead Saturday in Los Angeles in an apparent suicide by hanging.
The 33-year-old actress made comedy impersonation videos and others on YouTube, garnering hundreds of thousands and even millions of views, according to the New York Daily News.
In 2012 she scored her own TV series on VH1 called “Stevie TV” and, most recently, Ryan co-hosted an E! Network reality show featuring Brody Jenner called “Sex With Brody” and had a podcast about depression called Mentally Ch(ill) that continued until last week.
Ryan’s grandfather had died on Thursday, according to media reports, E! Online reported. On Friday, Ryan tweeted, “The man of my dreams will now only be in my dreams. I’ll miss you everyday, forever. I love you my Pa.”
“I’m just worried that this is going to send me into a deeper depression,” Ryan said of the death on the most recent episode of the podcast, according to E! Online.
Ryan’s fans and colleagues shared their shock, sadness, and condolences over her death on Twitter.