The near future is going to bring big changes inside your home, in particular there are many items that simply will no longer exist. With constant technological breakthroughs and advancements items such as the stereo and DVD player will soon be obsolete, just like floppy discs, cassette tapes, and VCRs went bye bye.
Maybe one day they will see a revival like vinyl did but the chances are not looking good for these seven things in your home that will not exist in the near future, according to the Reader's Digest.
- Alarm clocks – It seems pointless to physically set an alarm clock when your phone can do the job while still tracking your sleep and offering a number of other useful features including a less abrasive sounding alarm.
- Landlines – The wide use of cellphones is making it increasingly pointless for landlines to exist in homes. A point in case is data released by the CDC which shows that only about 42.8 percent of American households still use a landline.
- Photo albums – While there is still something sentimental about keeping a photo album, more and more Americans are storing their photos in the cloud or turning to digital picture services to organize their snaps. This also takes up less space than a physical photo album.
- MP3 players – First there was the Walkman, then the Discman and finally the MP3 player but now these products are in a losing game against cell phones which offer the same functionality as MP3 players. This is especially true among runners who can now use their phone to track their runs, manage their routes and still play music.
- Check books – Soon check books will phase out as more and more Americans turn to paying their bills online while using services like PayPal and Venmo to buy products.
- Cable – Video killed the radio star and Netflix killed cable. Viewers are no longer interested in the bundles on cable when they could turn to streaming services like Netflix for their fix.
- Streaming boxes – Smart TVs have made Roku and FireStick somewhat pointless. Nowadays the technology comes built in to smart TVs.