Susan Sarandon, a vocal supporter of Bernie Sanders for president, might prefer Donald Trump to “bring the revolution” over Hillary Clinton if the general election comes down to the two front-runners.
Criticizing Clinton’s stance on issues such as fracking and the economy,
Sarandon told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: “She hasn’t voted right, so what would make you think that once she gets in she’s going to suddenly go against the people that have given her millions and millions of dollars? . . . Some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately."
The Academy Award-winning actress said maintaining the status quo is dangerous, adding that, while Sanders would probably encourage voters to support Clinton in the general election, a lot of people couldn’t bring themselves to and she would “see what happens.”
“Some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” Sarandon said. “If he gets in then things will really explode . . . The status quo is not working and I think it’s dangerous to think that we can continue the way we are with the militarized police force . . . with the death penalty, with the low minimum wage, with threats to women’s rights, and think that you can’t do something huge to turn that around because the country is not in good shape. If you’re in the middle class, it’s disappearing.”
Washington Post editorial writer Jonathan Capehart praised Sarandon’s passionate political stance but said it comes with a downside: “the inability or unwillingness of too many to see that their insistence on political purity could lead to calamity.”
In January, Sarandon compared Trump to “
your drunk uncle at a wedding,” Politico reported.
“He’s like a figure from a Kurt Vonnegut novel . . . I can’t even address him seriously,” she said at the time. “I mean, he doesn’t even have a consistency or any kind of rational anything.”
Sarandon’s comments were widely criticized on Twitter.